Mainsails by Super Sailmakers
Select mainsail options for your Oday TEMPEST
Specs, rig, hardware, and other factors are not the same from boat to boat, even boats of the same year and model. To ensure your sail fits properly we will ask you to take some simple measurements on your boat. Illustrated instructions will be sent to you after purchase.
Reef Points
Allows sail to be shortened in high winds. Two reef points are ecommended for boats longer than 26 feet.
A control that adjusts the position of the sail's draft by changing the tension on the sail's luff. Recommended for racing or precise sail control.
Full Battens
Battens are rigid dowels that are inserted into horzontal pockets sewn ionto the sail. Full battens run the entire length of the sail to improve sail shape and durability. For improved performance add two full battens to the top of the sail. Note: full battens may make your mainsail more difficult to raise, lower, and flake on the boom.
Sail Numbers
Sail numbers may be designated by the boat manufacturer, class association, or lcoal race committee. Usually of interest only to racers. When ordering, please specify the only the characters you wish on the sail. We will automatically double the order so it can be applied to each side.
Builder's Insignia
Some manufacturers have a logo they apply to their original sails. We can provide these in most cases however the color scheme may not be identical to what you have. If you select insignias we will automatically include two, one for each side.